sky bus
出发 09:15

到来 15:15
Individual transfer

Individual transfer

Write us
Departure City (Ukraine) Point of arrival (city or airport) Number of Passengers Date and time of departure Contacts, e-mail, phone, name Code

Order individual trip

You can send a message with information about the required route of your travel by car, minibus or bus on demand.

Order or book: Buses on demand for an individual route Taxi or car to and from the airport

Send a request. Transfer department will answer you asap.

Please describe in detail the route you choose, number of passengers, preferences regarding the type of vehicle and the necessarily the date of the tour.

To travel, you can order a car, taxi, minivan, minibus or the bus on demand. You can also buy tickets on the buses in Ukraine, on a regular or seasonal trips, order individual shuttle service from the airport or railway station to the hotel and booked a trip back to the airport by a shuttle bus.